Our Identity
The BDFA stands for the Brunei Darussalam Food Authority.
We are a statutory body established as a regulatory and competent authority for food safety and quality in Brunei Darussalam.
Through our functions, responsibility and scope, BDFA works to bring forward our vision and mission to life in ensuring food safety for the Bruneian community.

Our vision and mission
Our Functions
BDFA functions to ensure that all food in Brunei Darussalam are safe and of good quality by enforcing relevant food legislations and implementing a strong food safety system.
We work to ensure all food related businesses, operators and persons will follow good standards for personal hygiene & food products by monitoring and inspect, test and certify food or premises.
We facilitate and assist parties to meet the food safety standards and requirements as well as issue certifications, licenses and permits.

Our Responsibilities
We conduct inspections, surveillance and sampling and are involved in issuance of food related permits, certificates (including export) & licenses.
We also provide consultation on food safety related issues and conduct food premise grading programmes.
We ensure accurate food handlers health education programme and conduct food import registrations.
Our Scope
The responsibility to ensure the safety of food; from their manufacture to its sale on the shelves. This includes processed food, fresh meat and vegetables that have left the farm and imported food products.
However, the sale of fresh fish and fisheries products are still under the control of the Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism

Organisation Chart
BDFA consists of a multidisciplinary team committed to ensure the vision and mission is achieved. From food products imported and exported to how food hygiene protocols and standards is practised, BDFA’s team is conducive to create cohesive team to achieve food safety for Brunei Darussalam.