Last updated: 07 Mar 2023

The BDFA is committed to ensuring all food products that are imported into Brunei Darussalam are safe for consumption and complies to the relevant food legislations (as per the FOURTH SCHEDULE of the BDFA Order, 2020)
Importers or exporters of any food products to and from Brunei Darussalam must adhere to safety requirements and understand the terms and conditions, and shall be ready to comply to the necessary.
When importing food for commercial purposes, the importer should ensure that the product meets the safety, quality and labeling standards laid down in Brunei Darussalam’s laws and regulations.
Prior to importation, the importer must ensure that the product is under BDFA’s jurisdiction. Some products such as “jamu”, fresh aquatic products (fish, molluscs etc.), live animals, fresh fruits & vegetables come under the jurisdiction of other Government Agencies. Importers may contact the BDFA for further clarification.
A food product that is confirmed to be under the purview of the BDFA must first be Registered with the BDFA via the Food Import Registration System. Once assessed and approved by the Authorized Officers, a Food Import Registration Reference Number will be assigned. This Reference Number is needed for any future import of the food into Brunei via the Brunei Darussalam National Single Window (BDNSW) System.
You may contact the Royal Customs & Excise Department, Ministry of Finance for further information on import declarations and the BDNSW system.
The Processed Food Import Registration System (PFIR) System is a process which allows food importers to apply for registration of a food product with the BDFA.
Submitted applications via the online system will be evaluated by BDFA Authorized Food Officers to ensure that the food product complies to safety aspects as per the Public Health (Food) Regulations (R1, Chapter 182). This includes assessment of the safety for consumption of the additives and ingredients, general labelling and other standards or requirements (e.g. absence of non-substantiated health claims).
Further information can be found in the FAQ page.
Travelers into Brunei Darussalam, both those returning home or just visiting, are advised to check beforehand, if the food items they intend to or are bringing into the country complies to the Guidelines set out by BDFA.
Applications for personal import approval can be made by applying via the online PFIR System. Approval of the application will be notified through the system.
Further information may be found in the FAQ page.
Businesses intending to export their products will need to comply with the requirements of the importing country. Different importing countries may have different requirements and conditions in relation to the type of food they intend to import; and different food commodities may also need to comply with the requirements of one or multiple competent authorities within the importing country. Businesses are advised to liaise with their foreign counterpart for a better understanding of such requirements.
BDFA as the Competent Authority on Food Safety can issue the following export certificates to facilitate the export, upon the written request from local exporters (manufacturers of the food product or their appointed exporter).
- Export (Health) Certificate
- Free Sale Certificate
- Health Certificate
Before the issuance of the export certificate, the food products must first be tested to ensure that they are safe for consumption.
An inspection and/or sampling will be conducted to ensure that the processing facility meets regulatory standards and sanitary practices. This includes the examination of food or systems for control of food, raw materials, processing, and distribution including in-process and finished product testing, in order to verify that they conform to requirements. Applicant(s) should first make arrangements with BDFA for inspection at least one month prior to the estimated date of exportation.
The applicant should prepare the following documents:
- a letter requesting for the issuance of the Export Certificate required and for premise inspection;
- a valid laboratory analysis relevant to food safety (valid for 1 year from date of report until date at time of application);
- a full color, printed copy of the product label / packaging artwork or pictures of all sides of the food packaging;
- a copy of the company’s business license;
For now, there is no fee charged for application and issuance.