Brunei Darussalam Food Authority (BDFA) would like to inform the general public that the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) had notified regards the recall of Mie Sedaap Korean Style Spicy Soup Instant Noodle and Korean Style Spicy Chicken Flavoured Instant Noodles, due to the presence of ethylene oxide, in their country.
BDFA had contacted the importer of the Mie Sedaap brand in Brunei Darussalam and has confirmed that the affected batches are not imported into our country.
The affected batches in Singapore are: Korean Style Spicy Chicken Flavoured Instant Noodles with the expiry date of May 21, 2023; and Mie Sedaap Korean Spicy Soup instant noodles with a March 17, 2023 expiry date, both were from Indonesia as its country of origin.
Ethylene oxide is a pesticide that is not authorised for use in food. Long term exposure to ethylene oxide may lead to health issues.
BDFA would like to remind all that under Section 9 of subsection (1) subparagraph (i) of the Public Health (Food) Act (Chapter 182) any person who prepares, sells or imports a food item that can harm health can be imprisoned for five years, fined or both.
For any question or further information, please contact:
Brunei Darussalam Food Authority
Unit 2G:2.01 Level 2, Ong Sum Ping Condominium
Bandar Seri Begawan BA1311, Brunei Darussalam
Telephone Number: 2 237304 / 5 / 9 (Operator) or 2 237417
Fax Number: 2 237467
Date: 12 Rabiulawal 1444H / 8 October 2022
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